Time is running out! Norwood City Council will make a decision about this zoning change soon. The vote seems like it could go either way and will likely come down to one vote. But with enough resident feedback, we believe that the Council can be swayed to block the zoning change.
#1 Call to Action: Email a Norwood City Councilperson
Michael Gabbard is the Council Member who chairs the subcommittee that is currently reviewing the zoning change. Send Mr. Gabbard an email.
Eric DiNardo is the Council Member who represents Ward 2 of Norwood, where Wasson Way currently exists. Send Mr. DiNardo an email.
Chris Kelsch is the Council Member who represents Ward 1 of Norwood, where Wasson Way is planning to extend in the future. Send Mr. Kelsch an email.
Mayor Victor Schneider is not a voting member of Council, but his actions will be critical in reaching a mutually-beneficial outcome. Send the Mayor an email.
#2 Call to Action: Spread the word
Tell a neighbor.
Share this website on social media.
Invite three people to like our Facebook page.
We are up against a powerful corporation with deep pockets. The more people who know about this, the better.
#3 Call to Action: Attend a meeting of Norwood City Council
Have your voice heard in-person at an upcoming meeting. Upcoming dates:
- December 22 – 7:30pm
- January 12 – 7:30pm
- **January 26 – 7:30pm Public Hearing regarding Joseph VW — this is the one to attend!!
All meetings are at the Norwood Community Center, 1810 Courtland Ave, Norwood, Ohio, 45212.